Oil & Gas GFEn Webinars

Oil & Gas Webinars Delivered by Thought Industry Experts

The oil and gas sector is currently going through very challenging times. Analysing the obstacles and options ahead, as well as the impact the current crisis is having on their organisation and developing a workable plan for the future is more important than ever. The webinars hosted by GFEn provide a comprehensive update on the current issues and equip with the right tools to successfully respond to the changing business environment. 

Learn about key strategies and best practices in the oil and gas sector directly from thought industry leaders. Register for our upcoming webinars and view on-demand webinar recordings. 


On-Demand Webinars

Guyana’s Oil & Gas Regime Post Elections


In the first of our webinar series, we heard the answer to the key question that investors, stakeholders and service companies are asking when it comes to Guyana’s promising oil and gas industry: What Will the Industry Look Like?

Making the Right Moves in a Financially Stressed Environment


Our dynamic webinar, hosted by energy business experts GaffneyCline, featured interactive role-play involving international experts with deep experience in oil and gas restructurings and finance.

Petrochemical Digital Webinar: Looking at the Industry’s Future


The global petrochemical sector has been one of those affected by the global pandemic. However, the opportunities for future growth and for the industry to play a central role in the recovery are enormous. Saudi Arabia has been and will continue to be at the forefront of the world’s petrochemical sector, leading the recovery.

Interested in Hosting a Webinar for Industry Professionals?

For hosting enquiries, please get in touch with our dedicated team.


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